
KFC’s Chizza Marries Pizza with Fried Chicken


It sounds like something a college fast-food junkie would come up with.

But KFC has actually done it.

Introducing the Chizza – the ultimate fast food mash up of fried chicken and pizza. In place of a dough base is a crunchy fried chicken crust, loaded with oozy cheese and pizza toppings.

KFC says the chizza is made up of 100% Mozzarella cheese, chicken fillet with its sauce from California tomatoes and 100% chicken fillet. To top it off?  Cheese sauce, chicken ham and pineapple.

It’s already caused quite a stir in Singapore, where the Chizza has been launched (after a run in Thailand and the Philippines). Of course, fast food fans elsewhere are furious. Why is SE Asia getting all the love?


But before you rant about how unfair it is, take note that reviews haven’t all been positive. There have been complaints from unsatisfied customers peppered on their FB page, ranging from how small the pizza appears in comparison to the ad to how little ingredients are smattered on top.

Still, this seems like something that shouldn’t be missed if you’re in the region.. if just to brag that you had chicken and pizza all in one go.






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